How to Revive Lawn Grass!
When your lawn is needing a little TLC, it can take as little as 15 minutes to give it the facelift that it needs and have it looking fresh and healthy again!
Our beloved lawns can go through periods of looking dull, tired and worn out throughout different times of the year.
In Summer our lawns are exposed to conditions such as extreme heat and increased traffic, whilst in Winter they are trying to survive with reduced sunlight and frosty conditions.
However, reviving your lawn grass doesn’t have to be difficult, or time consuming!
When your lawn is needing a little TLC, it can take as little as 15 minutes to give it the facelift that it needs and have it looking fresh and healthy again!
Here are four common causes of flat looking lawn – and the quick, easy ways to ensure fast revival of these symptoms;
Dehydrated or Brown Lawn
You will be amazed how well your dehydrated grass will recover after a deep soaking!
If you’re lucky, the rain will come just when your lawn needs it. But if it doesn’t, and water restrictions permit, then revive your lawn grass by giving it the soak that it is craving.
NOTE: Current water restrictions for Sydney, the Illawarra and Blue Mountains enforce that watering is only allowed before 10am and after 4pm on any day.
These current restrictions also enforce that all hoses must have a trigger nozzle or device attached to them that can be turned off instantly.
TIP: Watering your grass deeply and less frequently will lead to a more drought tolerant lawn – saving you time and water in the future!
To help avoid dehydrated or brown lawn from occurring, Lawn Solutions Australia’s product Lawn Rescue is a great solution.
Developed specifically to stimulate, support and protect the new root growth in turf – a generous spray of Lawn Rescue will promote the proper development of root systems and early turf growth.
Lawn Rescue will also rejuvenate existing lawns, bringing back life and vigour to tired turf.
Nutrient Deficiency
Whether you use granules or liquid, a good quality fertiliser will have a big impact on the revival and overall health of your lawn.
Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser is a premium lawn food – suitable for all lawn types, that will deliver all the nutrients required to revive your lawn grass.
After one application of Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser, you’ll see a massive improvement in the growth and colour of your lawn – as it delivers essential nutrients which will encourage strong growth and rich colour.
TIP: Taking 15 minutes out of your day to fertilise your lawn will give you lasting ‘revival’ results for up to 12 weeks!
If your soil is particularly dry, you may require a soil wetting agent such as Seasol Super Soil Wetter, which you can pick up from Bunnings Warehouse.
Applying a wetting agent before your fertiliser will improve penetration of the fertiliser, while enhancing grass revival and overall performance.
Seasol Super Soil Wetter is an aquatic safe wetting agent boosted with Seasol liquid seaweed and liquid compost.
Conditioning the soil, Seasol Super Soil Wetter also improves its ability to hold onto valuable moisture at the root zone and nutrient uptake in your grass.
Infiltrating Weeds
Unfortunately for us lawn lovers, there are a range of nasty weed types – some which creep into our grass in Summer, and others in Winter.
As soon as weeds start occurring in your lawn, it is best to take action straight away, before they get out of control!
Help the revival of your lawn grass by taking a quick 15 minutes every couple of weeks to remove any weeds that you see by hand.
For cases where the weed infiltration has exceeded manual removal, take to a weed killing spray which will promote lawn growth to help it repair.
To combat common lawn weeds such as Bindii, Creeping Oxalis, Catsear, Clover, Cudweed and Dandelion, All Purpose Weed Control is the perfect solution.
For selective (and effective) ‘Winter Grass’ control, you can’t go past Amgrow Chemspray Winter Grass Killer.
Winter Grass begins germinating in the soil in May. You will start to see it emerging within your turf in late May and June and continue to spread throughout the Winter months.
Winter grass can be removed very easily by hand as it doesn’t have particularly deep roots and it doesn’t have any runners, growing in simple clumps. Removing it by hand can be somewhat tedious so fortunately there are specifically targeted herbicide controls you can use, such as Amgrow Chemspray Winter Grass Killer.
The 100ml package supplied is enough to threat 200m² of grass, and will break down naturally after application leaving no residue.
Colour Deterioration
During the warmer months here in the great land of Aus, a loss of lawn colour can happen rapidly as soon as our Summer heat hits.
Loss of colour due to Summer heat can usually be quickly addressed with the application of fertiliser, and a few good deep soakings.
However, in the cooler months with lower temperatures and less sunlight, our grass’ natural photosynthesis process slows, taking it into a certain level of dormancy – in which instance discolouration is completely normal.
The perfect solution to lift your lawn’s appearance (and also now to revive your lawn grass), is an application of ColourGuard PLUS.
Introducing ColourGuard PLUS!
Lawn Solutions Australia’s ColourGuard PLUS is a 100% organic and non-toxic pigment – now blended with a liquid fertiliser which holds vital micro nutrients!
Naturally absorbed by the grass leaf blade, this new product is the perfect solution to not only restoring the natural green colour of your lawn, but reviving your lawn grass by improving its health!
Easy to apply, one application of ColourGuard PLUS gives your lawn up to 3 months of natural green colour.
Say goodbye to brown lawns in Winter and dry-looking lawns in Summer!
What You Need to Know About ColourGuard PLUSAfter you have applied ColourGuard PLUS, be sure to allow at least 2 hours of direct sunlight for the pigment to absorb. If your lawn is in a shaded area you may need slightly longer.
ColourGuard PLUS is a permanent colourant, so it will only disappear as your lawn grows.
Once ColourGuard PLUS has dried, it will not run or fade after rain. It’s locked into the leaf blade until it grows out!
Get your ColourGuard PLUS from our website now, before it all runs out!
For more expert advice about how to revive your lawn grass, give our friendly team here at Cobbitty Lawn Turf a call today on (02) 4651 0000!