7 Spring & Summer Lawn Prep Steps You Need To Do NOW!
There’s only 11 days until Spring! Time to start getting our lawns into shape ready for Summer!
There’s only 11 days until Spring! Time to start getting our lawns into shape ready for Summer!
To keep our lawns in pristine condition, our lawn preparation regimes should be planned two seasons ahead. If you do this, it helps to eliminate issues with your lawn down the track.
So, let’s have a look at some of the things we can be starting to do NOW, to have our lawns ready for Spring and Summer.
Winter is our quieter time for the use of all of our mowers and tools in the garden.
If you haven’t had your mowers and whipper snippers serviced and ready for the busy months ahead of mowing and lawn care, then this is the time to do all of our mower and tool MAINTENANCE.
Spring often sees the repair shops with a backlog of mowers that could have been maintained in the quieter months, instead of during the growing periods where you need to mow more!
As our Australian seasons are a little out of sorts at the moment and we are still having MORNING FROSTs – give the lawn a quick water to melt the ice early in the morning.
This will help minimise the damage that frost does to the leaf, making it stronger and healthier come Spring.
Amidst the change of seasons, can see new weeds and disease start to develop.
These need to be treated before Spring arrives, to ensure that your lawn is strong, healthy and ready to grow again.
If you keep on top of this and eliminate weeds that can be stealing nutrients from your grass, you will have a much healthier lawn come Spring, which will also be able to handle the heat better come Summer.
Lack of rain, compacted soil and harsh conditions call for the area to be AERATED.
This can be done by using a pitch fork or even hiring a machine specific for lawn aeration.
By doing this you will allow water and nutrients into the root zone, establishing a healthier and more water absorbing lawn.
Your lawn will be hungry after dormancy – FERTILISE it!
Use a granular fertiliser to get nutrients into the base of the plant.
Make sure you use a fertiliser that has the correct balance of nutrients like Lawn Solutions Premium Lawn Fertiliser.
If your lawn is lacking soil volume and has a few divots, you can apply a light layer of LAWN TOP DRESSING – never covering more than a third of the leaf.
But, don’t do this until the lawn is back to full growth / its normal mowing cycle. This step should be more so done in late Spring.
So, now you’re looking at doing your end of Winter/early Spring mow, with your nice newly maintained sharp blades!
Important: This ISN’T the time to be doing an intense mow. Right now your mow should only take a fine tip off the top of the leaf, which is just enough to encourage growth.
A more intense mow can be done in late Spring. Always speak to your lawn supplier to verify this process as they will guide you correctly while keeping in mind of current weather conditions.
For more helpful lawn care tips, give our friendly team here at Cobbitty Lawn Turf a call today on (02) 4651 0000!