5 reasons why Sir Walter Buffalo turf is the best lawn for families in Sydney
Create the perfect lawn for your family’s busy lifestyle
Are you looking to buy turf to suit a busy family lifestyle in the Sydney region? Here are our top 5 reasons why we believe Sir Walter Buffalo Turf is the best lawn for families in the Sydney region.
Parents of young families understand just how precious weekend time is. After a busy working week, why spend hours mowing, fertilising, weeding and maintaining your lawn when you could be spending that time simply enjoying your backyard? Sir Walter Buffalo DNA Certified turf is naturally less vulnerable to damage from pests, more resistant to diseases and requires less maintenance than many other grass varieties available in Sydney. This means that families can look forward to spending less time mowing, fertilising and weeding their lawns and more time benefiting from it.
There’s nothing better than getting the kids outside to burn off some energy and get some exercise too. Backyard footy, cricket, swing sets, slides, trampolines and lawn furniture however, can all take a toll on the lawn surface, creating damage such as bare patches or browning. Sir Walter Buffalo turf with its tight growth habit, has a good level of natural wear resistance that will tolerate high traffic, and the occasional thrill of a touchdown!
It’s ability to self repair means that the incidence of bare patches under swings is minimised and the lawn will quickly repair itself when the swing set is moved.
Likewise, the high shade tolerance Sir Walter Buffalo turf means that it will hold its colour better in shaded conditions such as under trampolines and lawn furniture than other grass varieties, and will bounce back to full health quickly once the items have been removed.
Scratchy old buffalo lawns were a heavy feature of the Aussie backyards of our childhoods. Luckily, like the mullet hairstyle and MC Hammer pants, they are a thing of the past. New soft leaf buffalo varieties such as Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo are genuinely soft, lush and irritation free – ideal for kids and pets.
Sufferers of allergies and hay fever will breath easier with Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo turf. This low allergy variety produces substantially less pollen than other varieties while the soft leaf blades also offer reduced irritation than other grass varieties. The natural resistance to diseases and pests also means that less pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers are required to keep your lawn looking great all year round – a win for all families but especially those with allergies.
The increasingly busy lifestyles of Sydney families can be detrimental to a family’s health. The constant racing from one thing to the next, between school drop off and pick up, work and after school activities, leaves little time for families to spend time together, let alone get out and active.
The NSW Government initiative Healthy Kids recommends children should participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day, and suggest planning a range of games and activities that will get bodies moving, blood pumping, and muscles and bones strengthened. They also recognise the importance of parents as role models in encouraging physical activity. There’s no better way to do this than to get off the screens and get out in the backyard, and there’s no better way to create a great outdoor space than with Sir Walter Buffalo turf.
For ideas about games and activities to plan with your family have a look online at the Healthy Kids Family ACTIVation Pack full of games and ideas to make the most of your outdoor space.
So there you have it, Sir Walter Buffalo turf really is the perfect choice of lawn for busy Sydney families. This low maintenance grass variety is naturally soft, low allergy, and maintains beautiful colour year round. Hardy in nature, with the ability to self repair, it will stand up to the rigours of family life and leave you with more time to enjoy your backyard.
Find out more about the benefits of DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo turf. To keep up to date with all the news and tips from Cobbitty Turf, join the Cobbitty Club.