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The Benefits of Laying Turf in Winter!

Jun 13, 2019

There is a common misconception that you cannot install a new warm season turf like Sir Walter DNA Certified in cool conditions. This isn’t true!

There is a common misconception that you cannot install a new warm season turf like Sir Walter DNA Certified in cool conditions. This isn’t true!

The truth is, turf is installed successfully all year round anywhere in Australia, even in the coolest states NSW, Victoria, SA and southern WA.

There are even two notable benefits in establishing a new lawn during the cooler time of year!

1. Much lower water usage

One of the main benefits of laying and establishing a new lawn in Winter, is significantly lower water usage.

In Winter, you will not have to irrigate your new lawn anywhere near as much as you will in Summer, as the days are not hot enough to dry out your new turf.

Whilst a new lawn still needs some water to successfully establish, you can virtually halve your water usage by laying turf in Winter and still maintain a healthy lawn come Spring!

NOTE: The NSW water restrictions are going to get worse in the months to come.

Imagine laying your new lawn in Summer, and trying to keep it alive with only once a day watering!

Right now, the Government give you 7 days to establish new turf, watering twice a day.

This is stated in Sydney Water Level 1 water restrictions fact sheet;

“New lawn owners have an exclusion period of 7 days, where water is permitted. Watering of newly laid turf for a period of 7 days from the date of the delivery receipt, according to the watering instructions provided by the turf supplier. Water used under this exclusion must only be applied to the newly laid turf and not to surrounding areas.”

For more information on restrictions: www.sydneywater.com.au.

So, get a head start NOW in Winter, when you will use FAR LESS water to keep your new lawn alive than you will during the warmer months.

New Lawn Water Restriction Exemption June 2019

2. Less of your maintenance time required

As mentioned above, if you lay your new turf during Winter, it will require a lot less water – meaning a lot less of your time helping it to establish!

Another benefit is that you won’t have to mow your newly laid lawn until the weather warms up!

This comes in very handy, as the Winter months hold shorter days and weekends filled up with sports and other activities!

So, if you are quite time poor, lay new turf NOW in Winter to give it it’s best chance of surviving the all-important establishment process.

TIP: Just keep in mind, when laying a new lawn in Winter, that the lawn will not root down completely until the weather warms up and it starts growing again.

This doesn’t mean anything is wrong, and your lawn is NOT dying! It is simply sitting idle until it gets some warmer temperatures so it can fully establish.

So, take the golden opportunity to lay your new turf now in Winter, and feel confident about getting a head start on the warmer months to come.

Your new lawn will be well established and ready to take on the challenges of our long, hot and dry Australian Summer!

For more expert Winter lawn care advice, give our friendly team here at Cobbitty Lawn Turf a call today on (02) 4651 0000!